Profession Counseling is a cycle that will assist you with knowing and get yourself and the universe of work to make vocation, instructive and life choices. Choosing the correct vocation is vital as profession traverses one’s grown-up life and characterizes an individual, the sort of way of life one has, individuals one communicates with. In short one’s vocation affects the nature of one’s life. Applying for advanced education abroad is a basic choice, both monetarily and inwardly. Subsequently, it is compulsory to put satisfactory time and exertion to settle on the correct profession choice.
We at GGSOverseas, direct you through the labyrinth of inquiries to discover arrangements most appropriate to your profile and boundaries guaranteed you pick the best Career Path.
GGSOverseas has proficient and experienced instructors that give assistance to recognize the expert objectives, empower the understudy to settle on a Student scholastic choice, and give individual direction to help pick courses that completely fit your profession or individual objectives.
We additionally have direct meetings from college agents and give complete and fair-minded data on different investigation alternatives. More than 90% of our understudies are references from our past-understudies.
The objective of GGSOverseas through vocation directing is to not just assistance you settle on the choices you need to make now, yet in addition to give you the information and abilities you need to settle on future profession and life choices.
To assist students to select a career scientifically, GGSoverseas has created the Academic Pathway Planning Program.
The world is loaded up with different vocation decisions going from medication to mass correspondence, designing to occasion the executives, sea life science to data innovation. To choose the correct vocation from the different alternatives accessible today, has become an overwhelming and testing measure. Countless understudies keep on picking a vocation dependent on the way that their companions are doing likewise or on the grounds that their folks advised them to do as such. This, notwithstanding, may not be the most ideal approach.
We at GGSOverseas comprehend the issue of the understudies while picking the pathways for advanced education. To take into account such requirements GGSOverseas conducts a professional direction program called Academic Pathway Planning.
• Subject selection
• Curriculum selection
• Stream selection
• Bachelors degree selection
• Masters degree selection
• Career change/shift
• Identify the needs of students so that the appropriate test may be administered from the battery of test available with us.
• 3-4 hours online / paper-pencil psychometric test.
• Report given by a qualified psychologist.
A comprehensive 15+ page report provides:
• An explanation of the report and how to use it.
• Graphic scores of the aptitude, interest and personality tests.
• An overview narrative report and summary of the results.
• A telephonic consultation with a certified psychologist with a prior appointment.
• The results are not a benchmark but an indicator which gives you a platform to work on.
• Study / Work options in India and overseas.